Monday, December 27, 2010

Red Chair, Red Hair

I got my desk! And, the coolest red chair ever. It doesn’t match my hair, but I am toying with the idea of dyeing it this fire-engine color. What do you think? I couldn't save it to this post, so I put it in place of my picture.

I just know I’ll be more productive with more space to spread out rather than just stacking up. My work desk has been like an apartment building with levels and layers, the top being the “best” level (meaning “most recent”). But now I am a ranch house, sprawled out all over the room so I can allocate one part of the “L” to the computer and WiP, and the other part of the “L” to revisions and other paperwork. Love it!

One’s workspace does say something to others about how seriously you are taking your profession. But, it also sends subliminal messages to your internal work engine. My desk says this is a writer’s area. Someone is writing great stuff here.

I no longer have to go on an archaeological dig when I want a resource I used two days ago. Everything is at hand and easily accessed. I estimate I have saved a couple of hours for extra writing time just by getting organized better!

Already I see more productivity. I started another blog, this one on food and recipes, Parsley, Sage, and Rosemary Time ( I am tweeting recipes, food facts, and/or cooking tips daily (follow me on Twitter @good2tweat).

Now to fulfill the rest of the promise of the dark desk and red chair. New year. New space. New book published?

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