Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Twitter for Writers: How to Collect and Send Tweets

Let me make a plug here for a terrific book recently released by Rayne Hall. Rayne writes novels, but she also writes great little how-to books that are specific and targeted. Her book, Twitter for Writers, is absolutely worth getting. This blog series (Thanks for the title, Rayne!) is Twitter 101. Rayne takes you through the entire undergraduate program and into grad school for Twitter. Seriously. This is a thorough tome.

Now onto today’s business. I told you to just read tweets for this past week. You may even have clicked on some links or re-tweeted others. Great! Now you are going to prepare to start posting. As a caution, like any of the social media sites, you can get sucked into a huge time drain. DO NOT LET THAT HAPPEN. I will address time management strategies in another post. For now, give Twitter a KISS (Keep It Short and Simple).

Caveat: When thinking to re-tweet something, make sure it is real content and not a link to a promo site or malware. Always check out the link to be sure it’s a good one you want for your followers.

Today, I deal with tweet content and the next two weeks will be how to construct and post tweets that will get re-tweeted or otherwise passed along by others.

What do I get tweet?
Nobody knows the exact percentages, but everyone says you’ll get more real followers and better engagement with your followers if you mostly tweet content related to your account’s focus. You remember. That stuff you put in your profile letting others know what you are writing.

What is content? I tweet a lot of links to articles I’ve perused, my relevant blog posts, factoids, quotes, daily holidays to be aware of, friends’ book releases, and other stuff along those lines. I also re-tweet others’ content on blogs.

I try to stick to 80% content (including links to my blog posts) and 20% book promotions (buy-my-book links and review links). That means, if I have 20 tweets on @Good2Tweat, I mostly stick with only 4 tweets about buying my book spread out across the day.

Here’s my system:
1) I read news articles on two sites first thing every morning. Some articles catch my attention because they’ll be of interest to my readers. I click on the article, “Five Painful Steps for Dating in the New Year”. Hmm. My readers at “Romance Righter” would like that.

2) I create six tweets for that article, one for each of the points and one that is just a link to the site. [That’s your formula. Points listed + 1.} These tweets write themselves since you are just using the points listed in the article. The tweets will be distributed across the number of times you post your tweets.

5 painful steps for dating in the new year: Find the dating site right for you http://www.hlntv.com/article/2013/12/31/online-dating-new-years-resolution-love?hpt=hp_bn17

5 painful steps for dating in the new year: Fill out your profile http://www.hlntv.com/article/2013/12/31/online-dating-new-years-resolution-love?hpt=hp_bn17

5 painful steps for dating in the new year: Keep filling out your profile http://www.hlntv.com/article/2013/12/31/online-dating-new-years-resolution-love?hpt=hp_bn17

5 painful steps for dating in the new year: Stress over your pictures http://www.hlntv.com/article/2013/12/31/online-dating-new-years-resolution-love?hpt=hp_bn17

5 painful steps for dating in the new year: Find true love http://www.hlntv.com/article/2013/12/31/online-dating-new-years-resolution-love?hpt=hp_bn17

5 painful steps for dating in the new year http://www.hlntv.com/article/2013/12/31/online-dating-new-years-resolution-love?hpt=hp_bn17

3) I file these created tweets in a document labeled “Future RR Tweets” (or for one of my other Twitter accounts).

4) Repeat steps 1-3 until I have a collection of future tweets. I do several articles a day, every day, so I never run out of content to tweet. You need to start yours.

5) I create a document for the 2014 year for Romance Righter (and my other two blogs. I use this doc all year to collect tweets for daily posting. I work ahead a couple of days so I am always ready to post the next day.

Here’s part of one day’s collection:
December 15, 2014
Food Holiday: National Lemon Cupcake Day  ‘Tis the season for citrus. My lemon tree is loaded!

For Lemon Cupcake Day try Daisy’s Mini-Lemon Cupcakes http://shine.yahoo.com/shine-food/daisys-mini-lemon-cakes-062800520.html

Here’s another good lemon cupcake recipe: Lemon-Ricotta with Lemon Frosting http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/lemon-ricotta-cupcakes-with-fluffy-lemon-frosting

Pinterest is yet another way for authors to develop and promote their writing #amwriting #MondayBlogs http://otpblog.blogspot.com/2014/12/pinterest-another-way-to-develop-and.html

No need to struggle with blog post topics. Try these. #amwriting #MondayBlogs http://angelicafrench.blogspot.com/2014/12/a-month-of-ideas-for-what-can-i-write.html

Many thanks to Heather Rivera for including MISSION IMPASTABLE in her book lovers gift-giving guide blog post! #MondayBlogs http://www.heatherrivera.com/2014-holiday-gift-guide/

A month of ideas for “What Can I Write on My Blog Today?” #amwriting #MondayBlogs http://angelicafrench.blogspot.com/2014/12/a-month-of-ideas-for-what-can-i-write.html

@PRNancarrow makes the case for NOT knowing your audience when blogging #MondayBlogs #amwriting http://paulareednancarrow.com/2014/12/15/4-great-reasons-not-to-know-your-blogs-target-audience/#comment-2265

If you like to write #mysteries try a PI mystery with these elements #amwriting #MondayBlogs http://writeonsisters.com/mystery-2/mystery-mysteries-13-elements-private-investigator-mystery/

Elements to include in your #steampunk #mystery #amwriting #MondayBlogs http://sharonarthurmoore.blogspot.com/2014/12/how-to-write-steampunk-mysteries-in-11.html

You can see a blend of referrals to my blogs, book promos, food content, and referrals to others’ sites.

6) I create 2-3 versions of tweets for each tweet’s content and file them in my year-long document for specific days. That allows me to post about the blog post more than one time each day. Twitter won’t let you send the exact message more than once a day. Here are some versions for the same blog post:

No need to struggle with blog post topics. Try these. #amwriting http://angelicafrench.blogspot.com/2014/12/a-month-of-ideas-for-what-can-i-write.html

Trouble identifying fresh topics for your blog posts? Read this and see if it helps. #amwriting http://angelicafrench.blogspot.com/2014/12/a-month-of-ideas-for-what-can-i-write.html

A month of ideas for “What Can I Write on My Blog Today?” #amwriting #MondayBlogs http://angelicafrench.blogspot.com/2014/12/a-month-of-ideas-for-what-can-i-write.html

When it is time for me to post to Twitter, I open the appropriate doc, highlight the first entry for the day, copy it, and then paste into the Twitter message box, and hit “Tweet”. On to the next one until I am done with that session.

Okay, that was quick and full of detail. This week, try posting the article points idea and links to your book(s). 

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